Ruby the Birthstone for July

Fine-quality ruby is extremely rare, the most prized color is a medium or medium dark vivid red or slightly purplish red.  If the gem is too light or has too much purple or orange, it will be called a fancy-color Sapphire.

The mineral corundum can be Ruby or Sapphire, they are scientifically the same mineral, they just differ in color.  Corundum is the second hardest mineral, the first being Diamond, and is one of the naturally clear transparent materials.

In ancient times, warriors would implant rubies under their skin to bring courage and determination in battle.   Today, Ruby represents romance and devotion.  Owning a ruby is said to give contentment and peace.  Placing a ruby under your pillow may ward off bad dreams.  Wearing rubies on the left hand is said to promote the life force and give protection.

14ga curved barbell 1/4" to 1/2" depending on your needs

Chemical Formula : Al2O3

Color: Many colors, but for this post Red

Hardness: 9