Piercing & Service Prices
Your anatomy may not allow for some of these piercings; have an alternative choice ready just in case.
We offer Ear Mapping with Curated Ear and Body Piercings if you are unsure what you can get pierced.
We do not pierce with ear-piercing guns or use regular stud earrings.
Jewelry purchased elsewhere must meet industry standards, be free of nicks and scratches, and remain in the original package. There is a chance that we will not pierce with it. It may be the wrong size, material, or style for the piercing you wish to get. We keep all jewelry appropriate for any piercing we perform in stock.
Jewelry for new piercings will (in most cases) be slightly longer or bigger in diameter to allow for swelling. Once healed, you may want to purchase jewelry that is more snug. You can use your current beads and purchase a smaller post or ring.
Everyone's anatomy does not match perfectly, and it is challenging to match piercings precisely. With your input as a second set of eyes, we will get them as close as possible.
Do NOT Sleep on your healing piercing & do not let pets sleep with you. If you can’t do this, please don’t get pierced.
In most cases, rings will take longer to heal if you get pierced with them.
We accept cash, tap and pay, debit, and credit cards. We do not accept American Express, Discover, or checks.
The final cost will vary depending on the style of jewelry you choose.
Prices are per piece and are subject to change without notice.
Tipping is greatly appreciated but never expected (especially if you are purchasing jewelry to go).
We no longer pierce large groups of people. We can only allow three people to get pierced in the room at one time (two that are getting pierced and one support or all 3 getting pierced).
Book a BUDDY PIERCING using the button below to get pierced with a family member or friend; add an extra single booking if you want a third friend to be pierced.
Halo Forever Bracelet
We offer Forever Bonded Bracelets (and rings) in our studio! We currently have 80 chains to choose from, including sterling silver, solid gold, black gunmetal, yellow, and rose gold-filled. Once we sell out of a particular style, we may order it again or get a different one to replace it. We will, of course, keep the basics in stock. Prices range from $50 to $273 by appointment only for this service.
Just added Forever Rings, $29 to $52. They are very comfortable and fun to fidget with while wearing.
Ear Mapping
-Our Piercers will have 15 minutes to discuss what you can get done by marking on your ear what will work best with your anatomy.
-The jewelry stylist will show you all your options after everything is mapped out with dots.
-If you decide to get pierced, there may be a wait since this is not a piercing booking unless you added time to get pierced when you booked. Otherwise, we can set up an appointment for another day and will credit your booking fee towards it if it is within a week.
You lose the Ear Mapping fee if you choose not to book and get pierced within a week.
Pricing will vary depending on what you decide to get. The $10 will go towards your final purchase if done within a week. See pricing below.
Jewelry Upgrade, Fitting, or Stretch up to 2 piercings; *over two prices increase.
If you are having any problems (have a bump or are still swollen), there is a chance that you may not be able to change your jewelry at your visit, or you may need different jewelry that will fit you better.
*up to 2 installs, 3 to 4 is $30-, 5 to 6 is $40-, 7 to 8 $50-, or 9+ $60-
A Basic captive ring starts at $19, and a simple titanium barbell starts at $36, each with no gem and $40 with a CZ. Gold ends (starts at $80) with a titanium barbell post, and several gem upgrades are optional.
Nostril: Fixed bead rings (no gems) start at $21-. Nostril screws, or $36- with CZ. Titanium 18g barbells start at $36- no gem- or $40 with a bezel Swarovski Crystal. Gold (starts at $64- without a post) and gem upgrades are optional (price varies depending on the gem).
Curved barbells for a navel start at $51- no gem & a brow, $35- for a basic Titanium piece with no gem. Gold and gem upgrades are optional (gem sets start at $55- for brows & $68- for navels in titanium).
If you no longer want your piercing, we can remove it for you.**
**Dermal Removal Note: if Halo did not perform your original dermal, we might not remove it, but the piercer will have to see it before deciding. Sorry, we can not decide without physically seeing you first. $10 to $25 per dermal. We do not remove dermals on minors.
Check Your Lobe(s) For Size.
If you're not sure what gauge your lobes are, we can check! The cost is $5.00, and if you use it the same day, five dollars will go towards your jewelry purchase.
$30 each*
Lobe, Stacked Lobe (high lobe), Helix (Rim)** Nostril***, Brow, Navel, Or ~Nipple
Special Piercing Price: The first lobe piercing is $30. Additional Lobes on the same visit: $25- each for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th (two on each side. After the 3rd position hole on one side, it is considered cartilage.)
Stacked/high lobe (vertical above standard lobe) not included with special.
**Basic rings start at $19- no gem and simple barbells start at $36- each with no gem and $40 with a CZ. Gold and gem upgrades are optional. Titanium 18g bb starts at $36- no gem- or $40- with a bezel set Swarovski Crystal (price will vary if you choose different gems or designs). Basic gold starts at $80 (with a ti barbell post), and gem upgrades are optional (Price will depend on style and gems).
Special Piercing Price: Nipple: $25- for the 2nd during the same visit. Titanium barbells start at $49- each with no gems.
~For nipple piercings, you may bring one friend. Your friend must be 18 years old and have an ID. They must remain seated and cannot distract the piercer by talking to you while the piercer is working on you. No photos or videos; phones must always remain in your car, pocket, or purse.
-Navel & brow curve bb start at $51- for a basic Titanium piece with no gem. Gold and gem upgrades are optional (gem sets start at $73- for brows & $68- for navels in titanium).
***Nostril: Fixed bead rings, no gems (takes much longer to heal) start at $21-. Nostril screws 20ga $37- with CZ. Titanium 18g bb starts at $36- no gem- or $40- with a bezel set Swarovski Crystal (price will vary if you choose different gems or designs). Basic gold starts at $80 (with a ti barbell post), and gem upgrades are optional (Price will depend on style and gems).
$35 each*
Ashley, Beauty Mark (Monroe), Lip, Labret, Medusa (Philtrum), Tongue,
Flat, Daith, Forward Helix*, Rook, Sadhu (Conch), Tragus, or Septum
Special Piercing Price: *Forward Helix is $35- for one, $65- for two, and $95- for three at the same visit.
-Basic rings start at $19-, and a simple barbell starts at $36- each with no gem and $40- with a CZ. Gold and gem upgrades are optional.
Flatbacks Start at $42- with no gem and $46- with CZ, and rings start at $19 (for the side lip only; it may take longer to heal with rings).
-Curved barbells start at $56- for a basic Titanium piece with no gem. Gold and gem upgrades are optional.
-A tongue piercing is the only one where we use a standard titanium barbell, nothing fancy. A 12g internally threaded barbell is $44-
-You may add a gold bead design to many of these above; beads in gold start at 80- per bead, and gem upgrades are optional (depending on style and gems).
We will not do oral piercings if you have braces.
$50 each*
Anti-tragus, Forward Nostril, High Nostril, Industrial, Orbital (lobe only), Snug, Surface to Surface, or Vertical Lip
All of these are anatomy-specific; please have an alternative piercing in mind if you cannot get one of these.
-Basic rings start at $19- no gems; a gem upgrade is optional.
-Simple 18g barbells start at $36- each with no gem and $40- with Swarovski Crystals.
-Simple industrial barbells start at $44- with no gems; gold and gem upgrades are optional.
-Simple surface bars start at $41- with no gems; gold and gem upgrades are optional.
-You may add a gold bead design to many of these above; beads in gold start at 80- per bead, and gem upgrades are optional (price varies depending on the gem).
$55 each*
Male & Female Genital
*All of these are anatomy-specific; please have an alternative piercing in mind if you cannot get one of these.
-Basic rings start at $30- & simple titanium barbells start at $44- and curved barbells start at $66-.
-Your anatomy may not allow for some genital piercings, so have an alternative choice ready just in case.
-You may bring one friend; your friend must be 18 years old and have an ID; they must remain seated and cannot take video or photos!
Faux-Snug, Frenulum & Smiley
*All of these are anatomy-specific; please have an alternative piercing in mind if you cannot get one of these.
-Basic rings start at $19- no gems; a gem upgrade is optional.
-Simple 18g barbells start at $36- each with no gem and $40- with Swarovski Crystals (Faux-Snug needs 2 barbells)
No photos or videos; phones must always remain in your car, pocket, or purse.
$109 to $118 each*
$109- each with a disk or $118- each with a Swarovski gem (Jewelry and piercing included).
The dermal jewelry is made from ASTM F-136 certified implant-grade titanium. We do not use gold beads for the initial piercing since gold is too soft.
Hip area, lower back area, back of the neck, wrist (forearm), cleavage, and Anti-Eyebrow (2 is sometimes called butterfly kisses); if what you want is not listed, we are sorry, but we will not perform them.
*We can't change beads on dermals from other shops. We do not know the grade of the material it is made from. If it is not the proper grade titanium, it can collapse in the skin when we use the tool to install the bead, making it extremely dangerous & too much of a risk for injury. If the thread pattern does not match our beads, the bead could cross thread/strip your post, making it impossible for any bead to work & requiring the dermal to be removed permanently.
Dermal bead changes (once the dermal is six (6) months old with no problems) $10- for the first two, 3-4 $20-, 5-7 $30-, 8-10 $40-
Need Help?
Is there something wrong with your piercing?
Cost: Free - if the piercing was done at Halo, and we do not have to remove it.
$5.00 if the piercing was not done at Halo.
It does not matter where you got pierced; if you need a piercer, we can help.
If you need or want new jewelry, the cost will vary depending on what you choose.
Removal fee: Piercing(s) $10.00 - Dermal(s) $10 to $25 per dermal (depending on the condition)
*$ varies
*Jewelry is not included in the piercing prices above.
Jewelry prices will vary depending on what you choose and what your anatomy will allow.
The following is a list of piercings that most people can not change on their own, and booking a jewelry upgrade/fitting is the best option if you don’t want to wait for clients with bookings:
-Most ear piercings (minus lobes)
-Some genitals (depending on the jewelry style)
-Any piercing with a captive bead, seam ring, or fixed bead ring in it (equipment is needed to change it out)
If the jewelry you plan to buy needs to be sized, stretched, installed, or is a captive bead ring - book a fitting appointment.
*Remember that "just shopping for jewelry" requires time and attention from us, just like any other service, book an appointment if you don’t want to wait.
We have one of the widest collections of body jewelry in North America. Including gold, platinum, implant-grade titanium, and saltines steel for piercings. We carry lab-created and natural stones, gems from Swarovski, and conflict-free diamonds.
We pierce with Anatometal, Body Vision (BVLA), Body Gems, Industrial Strength, Interstellar, Junipurr, Leroi, Maria Tash, Mettle & Silver, NeoMetal, People's Jewelry, Pupil Hall, Quetzalli, Regalia, and Tether to name a few.
We also carry an extensive jewelry line for healed and stretched piercings, including Buddha Jewelry, Custom Steel, Flaming Bones, Gorilla Glass, Glasswear Studios, Jimmy Buddha Designs, Little Seven, Maya, Oracle, Omerica, Phoenix Revival, Tawapa, and Zadamer.
Our ear jewelry ranges from regular earring sizes up to 2".
1-1/8" and larger plugs and eyelets made of wood, horn, glass, bone, and stone are on sale until gone; please ask to see them; they are not on display.
We do not pierce with ear-piercing guns or use regular stud earrings for new piercings. Prices subject to change without notice.
Our studio and online care products range from $5 to $16 a bottle.
Brands: briotech - https://www.briotechusa.com/ - emu oil http://www.desertpalmsemu.com/index.html - h2ocean spray and mouthwash https://h2ocean.com/ - naked oil and soap - https://industrialstrengthneedles.com/ - steri-wash spray - https://steri-wash.myshopify.com/